This is the category for all examples (entries in the encyclopaedia) of what good looks like

Banks whose business model is designed around making sure they have no negative impact on the environment or on society. This means that they have rules and policies in place determining where they will invest.

NB. Not just any old bank but I have avoided use of term ethical bank

Perhaps the "gold standard" for what good looks like, but they come in many forms.

Includes councils and governments (which of course may be partisan, but when they do good things they can be listed here). It also covers non-partisan political organisations and campaigns that operate inclusively allowing members to participate fully where the changes advocated would represent steps towards a more holistic political economy.

Charities; either good exemplars of cooperation and working with people rather than doing it to them, or which campaign to change the economy and make it more more responsible and or responsive

Conventional businesses can be run on good lines, paying the real living wage (or more) being open and retaining a human scale.

In simple terms, a social enterprise can be defined as a business that ploughs its profits back into a strong social or environmental mission – i.e. trading to create benefits for people and planet. 

Includes companies whose shares are held in trust on behalf of employees a.k.a. Common Trusteeships. This is usually a mechanism to ensure a company free from takeover and which is thus able to take a longer term view on business investment decisions and returns. Not financial Trusts which are used to hide ownership and/or shelter assets from taxation. 

Research into ways of making the economy serve people, making it local, getting involved in implementation and being open about funding. 

NB. Just being a left of centre think tank is not enough

Things that may be of use to activist and campaign groups

Organisations form groups to represent their interests. These may not in themselves display good characteristics - that would depend on how they represent their members. However through their websites they are a good way to see the extent of their members who illustrate them.